Let's say the society get's new light on a matter.....such as the "generation change".
The Wt hasn't ANY new light since Charles T. Russell......and I mean not ANY.
we were taught that the "faithful and discreet slave" are led/fed by jehovah/jesus/ spirit.
think about it though for a minute.
when the "writing dept.
Let's say the society get's new light on a matter.....such as the "generation change".
The Wt hasn't ANY new light since Charles T. Russell......and I mean not ANY.
one thing rarely mentioned by jw,s is how the israelite tribes liked to kill each other.. i remember one in particular of the benjamites being nearly wiped out by other israelite tribes.. according to jw,s these wars between jeehovahs people should could and would not happen.. jehovah people would never fight each other as christians or israelites right.. what am i missing?
I remember one in particular of the Benjamites being nearly wiped out by other Israelite tribes.
But, we all know the Isrealites were stiffed necked, and always doing everything wrong.. I'm thinking God did not command them to attack their brothers...
luke 1: 17 nwt also he will go before him with elijah's spirit and power, to turn back the hearts of fathers to children and the disobedient ones to the practical wisdoom of righteous one, to get ready for jehovah a prepared people.
malachi 4:5 nwt "look!
i am sending to you people elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of jehovah.
Amazing, that is what I believe...I didn't know they believed that back in the earliest centuries...And didn't know the name either....thanks.......
th jw's teach that michael was the name of jesus in his pre-human existance.
then why the heck does the apostle john say that michael threw satan out of heaven in 1914???
1914 was almost 2 thousand years after jesus pre-human existence!!
Hey there:
I think I'm the only person on this site who believes "michael" is another name for Jesus.
You said:
Then why the heck does the apostle John say that Michael threw Satan out of heaven in 1914???
John doesn't say '1914'. Rather he says this all takes place in the 'lords day'. Which would be when Jesus begins his ride in the great tribulation... I believe his 'presence' is the great tribulation..
with two thirds of my sentence complete, i am almost ready for parole.. there was some unbelievable stuff said today - i think there must be some sort of hallucinogenic gas coming through the ac, because no one batted an eyelid over what was said from the platform.. as usual, i will highlight the main talks.. .
"deliver us from the wicked one and from every sort of lawlessness" - matt 6:13, titus 2:14. .
Thank you very much, Truthseeker, This is my 1st assembly away...
luke 1: 17 nwt also he will go before him with elijah's spirit and power, to turn back the hearts of fathers to children and the disobedient ones to the practical wisdoom of righteous one, to get ready for jehovah a prepared people.
malachi 4:5 nwt "look!
i am sending to you people elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of jehovah.
Hello friends....interesting comments.
Nark: Very complex indeed!
Honesty: I didn't know about the theory about the 2 witnesses being Enoch and Elijah...just the witness belief..of Elijah and Moses...Although, it has to someone alive now....who could it be????
Leolaia: You are really read up on the lost books...maybe they have some truth to them... I know Jesus kissed Mary Mag..on the lips in one of the Enoch books.. Hey, I think they were probably married.
Peaceful Pete: Is separationism the idea that the soul/spirit has our personality and memories?
something just occured to me: .
we all know that "parousia" doesn`t mean "invisble presence" at all, it just means "presence", but think about the inlogical...ness about the whole jw-doctrine on 1914. my question is: what is jesus` job really, up there in heaven?
- he "took reign" and was "given the throne" in 1914. but what does that mean, really?
Hello friends..
I definately believe now the return of Christ is going to be a fleshly, real, human return. He's called the 'son of man', on his return. Not the 'son of God'. Also he judges and kills with the 'spirit of his lips', and the 'rod of his mouth' in Is. 11:5. So, we have to be able to hear him.... And many other reasons..I think his return has to be tangleable...
This idea of JW's of being in heaven for almost 100 years and nobody knows, what's going on with him is INSANE. Geez, he's not even, separating the sheeps and goats, anymore according to the JW's...
why didn't jesus just tell us who he was ?
i am michael the archangel from heaven.
what's the big secret?.
Hello, I'm looking at your questions here...I would try to give my 2 cents worth.
Why didn't Jesus just tell us who he was ? Because, it was very important that people would be drawn to him, as to recognize, he was from God..by his qualities and his teachings.. and not because God told them he was his son. Another words, people have to love God because they love truth and justice and righteousness and not just to save their ass. I am Michael the Archangel from heaven. What's the big secret? It's called the 'sacred secret'. I really think God wants to 'let the operation of error to take place to discern heart conditions.. For that matter why did he need another name here on earth? Maybe to have it be secret...? Another question where did Michael go when he became a sperm or did God impregnate Mary with a fertilized egg anyway my point is did Michael become only a genetic marker of dna ? Maybe Jesus didn't become sperm but maybe his spirit entered into the child who was the genetic child of Joseph and Mary, to make him the legal seed, messiah. As maybe our spirits also carry our personage, maybe Jesus' spirit also carried his personage. If so isn't this comparable to dieing and being ressurected ? Yeah, think so. I'm starting to think it's more confusing to believe Jesus is Michael the Archangel vs Jesus is God. I think Jesus is definately Michael.. As, Thes. says he returns with an arch-angels voice. And in Dan. 12:1...Michael is the one who stands up for his people in the great trib... and also Michael has 'his' angels.. On a lighter note, I think it would be fun when conversing with a JW to substitute Michael the Archangel for Jesus whenever Jesus's name came up. Ha ha! ciao |
luke 1: 17 nwt also he will go before him with elijah's spirit and power, to turn back the hearts of fathers to children and the disobedient ones to the practical wisdoom of righteous one, to get ready for jehovah a prepared people.
malachi 4:5 nwt "look!
i am sending to you people elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of jehovah.
The scriptures I quoted earlier, make me think that the spirit has the personality and spirit of the person...and also that God can us reincarnation...if he so pleases.
Also was thinking that in a way...Jesus was reincarnated from Heaven to earth...Was his spirit put into the child, Jesus....?
Every prophet that God ever sent to the nation of Isreal..was a rebel against the established system...of religion... and ofcourse JESUS is the foremost apostate.